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 Let me teach you
how to like your life

Certified Hypnotherapist & Brain Training Specialist
Founder, Doddle Hypnosis App
Host, How to Like Your Life Podcast

Hello, my friend.

Take a moment to give yourself a gift right now. Whether that's a deep breath, a sip of water, a big stretch, or a self hug, give yourself one little gift that can help you feel just 1% better right now. You are so worthy of feeling good in this moment.

Choose your path

The Subconscious Reset

Free Online Brain Training Masterclass

In this jam-packed hour long masterclass, you'll learn my 3-step blueprint to rewire your mind, overcome self-doubt, and embrace confidence, joy, and purpose. (Stay till the end for a powerful, guided hypnosis session to visualize your goals)

Access the free masterclass

Hypnotic Empowerment 2.0

Online brain training & hypnosis intensive

In this 6-week course created & led by Emilie Leyes, you will be guided step-by-step through powerful brain training and hypnosis protocols to get out of your own way, reduce your stress, build an unshakeable sense of confidence, and like more of your life as you boldly work toward your goals.

Learn more & sign up

Doddle Hypnosis App

Reprogram your mind, transform how you feel, and like more of your life

Hypnosis is one of the fastest, and most effective ways to create positive change in your mind and your life.

Learn more & try Doddle for 7 days free

Virtual Brain Training Workshops & Replays

Deep dive into various topics in brain training and hypnosis

In these 60-90 minute virtual workshops, Emilie will guide you through powerful experiential brain training and self-hypnosis practices to transform your mind, get out of your own way, and work toward your goals. Explore topics like focus & motivation, stress relief, reprogramming subconscious beliefs, self worth, and more.

Explore workshop library and stream the replays

How to Like Your Life Podcast

A brain training podcast for mindset transformation, hosted by Emilie Leyes

In each episode, Emilie offers step-by-step tools in brain training and self hypnosis to reprogram your mind and like more of your life. 

You'll find episodes on topics such as: joy, gratitude, stress management, habits, motivation, and so much more. At the end of each episode, you’ll leave with practical brain training tools that you can implement into your daily life to empower yourself and feel better and better each day.

Listen to How to Like Your Life

1:1 Hypnosis Sessions

Private, personalized hypnosis session with Emilie via Zoom

Experience a 90 minute private hypnosis session to get to the root of your subconscious blocks, discover what's holding you back, and reprogram your mind to work toward your goals. In this session, you will be guided through personalized hypnosis to reduce your stress, transform your subconscious beliefs. You will also learn the powerful process of self-hypnosis to integrate into your daily routine.

Learn more about 1:1 sessions

About Emilie

Hi there, I'm Emilie! I'm a Philadelphia-based brain training specialist and certified hypnotherapist (CHt), host of the How to Like Your Life Podcast, and the founder of the Doddle Hypnosis App. I'm formally trained in positive neuroplasticity, positive psychology, clinical hypnosis/ hypnotherapy, and I have a master's degree in mind-body medicine.

After using brain training to fully recover from debilitating, "incurable" chronic illness, I learned just how powerful it can be to transform our minds, bodies, and lives using these tools. Since then, it has been my mission to help folks harness the power of their own minds to reduce stress, build confidence and creativity, increase their access to joy, and actually like more of their lives as they work toward their goals.

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